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What I Help With

Talking Helps

It is becoming more common and acceptable to see a therapist on a regular basis to deal with difficulties in life. Sometimes things get on top of us and we need help to cope and help us get our lives back on track.

Common reasons for starting therapy include dealing with anxiety and depression, to cope with stress and overwhelm, to address past traumas, to break patterns of behaviour, to overcome addiction, to talk about relationships, or to discover purpose and meaning in life.

I am here to give support, to reassure, and to open new doors for you. I am not here to judge or to tell you what to do, but can help you to discover new ways of coping, making changes and developing new skills.

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you don’t know where to start so you don’t start at all.

Learn to manage stress and break the cycle of anxiety.

Boost your self-esteem. Now is the time to accept yourself fully. I can help you draw on your internal strengths and resources. You don’t have to stay trapped in the vicious cycle of anxiety.

Counselling can give you tools and techniques to manage stress and anxiety. You can break free to change your future.

You may find that your relationships are challenging. Sometimes we expect connection to develop naturally, as if by magic. The reality is that relationships can be hard work.

Start a new relationship with yourself.

Give yourself space to talk about what is really bothering you. Together we can find the balance between caring for yourself and for others. Take charge of your emotional needs – discover tools to take the magic into your own hands. Don’t stay stuck in old patterns.

Counselling can help you develop the skills to create emotional health and wellbeing. You can thrive in your personal life and relationships.

Do you sometimes wonder what gives meaning to your life and what you want to contribute to the world? You may long for a sense of meaning, purpose or spiritual connection.

Take steps to find purpose in your life and live more fully.

When you feel well connected with greater meaning and purpose, you are more resilient, You can learn and grow from challenges to live a rich and satisfying life.

Counselling can give you the space to explore and make sense of your life. Discover the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you.

Addiction can have catastrophic consequences not only for you and your self esteem, but for those you love too.

Only you can decide if you have a problem with addiction. If you do, the first thing you need to do is face it.

Only you know if your behaviour contradicts your values and goals in life. Only you know if it’s out of control. And only you can decide if you want to stop.

Counselling can give you the tools and support you need to face and overcome your addiction. With help you can recover and live a life of integrity.

Are you struggling with sexuality or gender issues? Do you may feel misunderstood and isolated? You may long to feel heard and seen in your true identity.

Sensitive counselling can support you with your sexuality or gender identity.

These life changing issues can impact your personal and professional life. There can be a lot of pain in questioning your sexuality or gender identity.

Counselling can help support your growth and personal fulfilment, creating a future of your choosing.

Did you experience abuse or trauma during childhood? You may be wondering why everyone else seems so happy while you struggle with self-confidence and getting through each day.

You are not alone and there are ways to feel better.

Without help you may always find yourself running from the ghosts of the past.

Counselling can help you stop and face the pain of your past, enabling you to move forward to change your future.